Jamie Foy’s “Spitfire” Part
If you thought Jamie might take a vacation and chill after last year’s rampage, you were dead wrong. Here’s another full part, loaded with hammers from start to finish. The Foy fire continues to spread…
Magnified: Jamie Foy
When you’ve got a big-ass rail with a tiny gate to shoot through at the bottom, a lot can go wrong. Unless you’re Jamie Foy. This back lip is ain’t no thang for Big Boy Foy. SOTY Power!
Lakai x Motörhead featuring Riley Hawk
Skateboarding and Metal music have always been a perfect match. We are beyond stoked to release a full collection of Lakai x Motörhead goods and a video to go along with it. Riley has been a fan of Lemmy and Motörhead for a long time, so it made perfect sense to center this collaboration around Riley and his new shoe, the Riley 2. Watch Riley rip it up with special guest clip from Tony Hawk.
DC Shoes is proud to present the DC LATAM SUPERTOUR video. February 2018 saw the DC Skateboarding team travel to Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Peru and Mexico. The boys stepped up and delivered across the 5 country stops. Now you get to sit in front of your interweb device and feel like you were a part of the whole thing! Filmed by Chris Ray and Jimmy Astleford. Featuring DC team riders: Tiago Lemos, Wes Kremer, Evan Smith, Carlos Iqui, Tristan Funkhouser and Alexis Ramirez.
Skate Nerd: T-Funk Vs. Cyril Jackson | TransWorld SKATEboarding
Two of DC's heavy hitters entered the Skate Nerd dojo to do battle. See who reigned supreme in the realm of skate nerdery.
Skate Or Dice! with Baker
CJ and the Baker Boys have visions of Golden Corral and Hometown Buffet dancing their heads. This doesn't bode well for Yoon and his fistful of (our bookkeeper's) dollars.
Neen Williams Ride or Die - Shake Junt
Neen Willams Bangs Y'all Over The Head With His Ride Or Die At Lincoln Park In Los Angels !!
Double Rock: T-Funk and Friends
A suitcase full of cold ones, a 540 ollie and a Spiderman jam through a goddamn corner? Sounds like T-Funk and his homies are turning it up at Double Rock. And that Smith stall at the buzzer is bonkers! Can’t fake the funk.
Rough Cut: Florida Homies' "Golden Foytime" Footage
You know Jamie couldn’t celebrate his SOTY crown without bringing the Florida homies along with him. Here’s a slice of the action from Down Unda featuring Pedro Delfino, Ish Cepeda, and John Dilorenzo.